Buffalo Laborers’ Benefit Funds Member Portal Terms and Conditions of Use

Buffalo Laborers’ Benefit Funds (the “Funds”) is pleased to offer members of the Funds online access to portions of their benefit record. If you would like to participate as a user of the Member Portal you may register for the service via this website.

You are being provided access to the Member Portal information system through Buffalo Laborers’ Benefit Funds. To access the Member Portal, the user must agree to be bound by the terms of this Member Portal Licensing Agreement for the material and data contained in the Member Portal. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, please do not use the Member Portal.

Please note that the information presented in the Member Portal may be viewed by staff members of the Funds.

Benefit Information

Information on the Member Portal is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind and is meant for use only for inquiry purposes. User reliance on the material in the Member Portal is at your own risk. Please note the work history and benefit information provided on the Member Portal is not a replacement for formal work history confirmation and benefit calculations provided by the Funds.

The electronic record is the property of the Funds and the information displayed in the Member Portal may not be the complete work history and/or benefit record. Please contact the Funds in regard to discrepancies with the information listed in your record.

The Funds places considerable emphasis on the privacy of member information and compliance with State and Federal Privacy Laws. As a user of the Member Portal, you understand that you are solely responsible for any sharing of its content that you intentionally or unintentionally communicate to others. Please do not share your password with anyone. The Member Portal is configured to be secure from unauthorized access, but the Funds cannot be held responsible for:

  1. Absolute security of all electronic communication transmissions between the member and the Member Portal website;
  2. Unauthorized disclosure resulting from a user not logging out of an active session;
  3. Unauthorized disclosure resulting from a lost or stolen user ID and password;
  4. Unauthorized disclosure resulting from information printed by the user from the Member Portal;
  5. Unauthorized disclosure resulting from personal computer settings or installed software products that may compromise information security; or
  6. Similar events outside the substantial control of the Funds.


Appropriate Use

Access to the Member Portal system is granted to users for the purpose of inquiring of their work history and benefit information. Use of the system unrelated to this purpose may result in the suspension or termination of access privileges.

Other Terms

Buffalo Laborers’ Benefit Funds shall not be liable for any damages suffered by the user or other third parties related to, directly or indirectly, the material and information contained in the Member Portal. In no circumstances will the Funds be liable to the user or any other person for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any type, even if informed of the possibility of such damages. The Funds cannot guarantee access to the Member Portal system and are not liable for the user's inability to access or view the information contained on the site. By downloading or viewing the information on the Member Portal, the user agrees to hold the Funds harmless and indemnify them against any damages, claims, or other claims asserted against the Funds arising out of, or in any way connected with, the user's utilization of the Member Portal or the information contained therein.

This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York. Member Portal information and the logos, icons and other marks shown or referenced within are reserved by Buffalo Laborers’ Benefit Funds and their technology partners, and are protected by copyright and trademark law. The user may not reproduce such information without the prior written consent of Buffalo Laborers’ Benefit Funds.

This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter contained herein and it shall not be modified or amended except by signed written instrument. The terms of this Agreement may be changed at any time in the discretion of the Buffalo Laborers’ Benefit Funds and updated terms will be posted on the Member Portal website for user access.